Whether a coach is working on reinforcing, strategizing, or problem solving, communication is essential. Detailed note-taking occurs after each session as a reference and guide to all: the student, parent, and support personnel. Notes are provided within 24 hours of a session and the same turn-around can be expected for email communication as well. Our staff can always be reached by email or phone between sessions and as any questions or concerns arise.

The notes are always a highlight of our parenting week, as we learn what we’re doing right and which areas we need to work on.
— Dedicated Parent
Notes gave me really good insight into what was happening in my daughter’s world.
— Dedicated Parent



How does billing work?

Scheduling is extremely flexible and adaptive. You can schedule tutoring or coaching at specified times each week or as needed for a given week. There is no minimum or maximum amount of sessions you need to have with your coach. And, not to worry, you will only be charged for the time used in a given month at the end of the month.

How do I know if my child needs tutoring or coaching?


Take a look at the graphic which can help you answer this question. But, since everything we do is extremely customizable, personal, and targeted to your child’s needs, let’s set up a time to talk about what is best for your child.

How will I know what my child is working on with their coach?

Communication is fundamental to what we do. After every session, you will receive notes detailing exactly what tasks were achieved, what skills were practiced, and what follow up is needed. Not to mention, the notes are a great planning tool and memory aid for your child. Questions or concerns are always welcome after notes are sent out.

Do you use a specific curriculum to coach?

There is no one-size-fits-most approach as your child is unique. All our services at EdFront are 100% personalized to your child’s needs. We specialize in targeting areas of need while highlighting areas of strength.